From FloridaGirl
Thursday, June 10, 2004
By the way, just as an addendum to the post I made earlier today, I thought I'd mention that the badger clip that I seem to keep referencing now has its own domain. Anytime you get the urge to see it again, you can find it at www.badgerbadgerbadger.com. I'm not sure that you'll actually need this information, but I thought I'd pass it along anyways.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm not sure if it's the frame of mind I've been in or because I really haven't found anything worth commenting on lately. I've just felt that it would be pointless to post, just for the sake of doing it. In fact, if I were to do so, you'd end up reading more boring blather like this.

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way, has anyone else noticed the bizarre obsession the web seems to be experiencing with a song by Raffi called Bananaphone? Yes, I realize that by mentioning this I'm adding to the problem, but I am curious. Just in case you happen to be one of the lucky few who has so far managed to avoid hearing this song, I thought I'd provide you with a few links. This "phenomenon" seems to have started with this clip. It's another one of those songs that, once you've heard it, can become lodged in your brain. Kind of a mental thorn with no tweezers to remove it (save a prefrontal lobotomy, which seems a little extreme).

Anyways, the bananaphone might have remained in obscurity but for one fact. Someone who goes by the name "lemonizer" decided to marry it with the graphics from another catchy little clip- the badger toon (which I referenced a while back in this post). And so, the resulting clip, badgerphone, seems to have extended the life of the original. So much so, that another site, called the Friend Society (as opposed to what their URL says) has created both a parody which shows the effects of long-term exposure to this song and a heavy metal version.

Now, I'm no psychologist, so I'm not even going to try to figure out what this says about our society. But, I'm guessing that, whatever it is, it can't be good.

Have something you'd like to tell me?E-mail me here (and, please, keep it reasonably clean!).

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